Otaru "Yukiakari no Michi" Festival

Otaru "Yukiakari no Michi" Festival

During the festival period, thousands of small candles in the niches made in the snow walls and in the transparent ice pots illuminate the city.

The Otaru Canal whose water reflects the lights of floating candles in the glass balls looks very beautiful.

At the main site, former Temiya railway line, snow sculptures made by the locals and guests amuse the visitors to the festival. Varieties of local delicacies, grilled seafood for example, hot dishes and drinks to keep you warm are available at the food stalls.

Otaru Aquarium, usually closed in winter, is specially open for the visitors coming to the festival from February 4(Sat.)-19(Sun.) 10:00-15:00. Dolphin and seal show will be given a few times a day.

Admission is ¥800 for high school students and over, ¥400 for primary school children and junior high school students.

Otaru Yukiakarino Michi is really a wonderful festival that the local people and visitors mingle with each other in a dreamy atmosphere created by numerous candle lights.