Hiyashi Ramen, Popular Summer Noodles

As we don’t have rainy season in Hokkaido, June is normally a most pleasant month of year. The air is dry and the average highest temperatures are around 20 ℃. It is around 7:30 p.m. when it gets dark. We try to enjoy being outdoors as much as possible at this time of year because summer season is quite short in Hokkaido.

However, June this year is a little unusual. It has been very hot and humid for the past week, and the highest temperature reached 31℃ in Sapporo last Monday.

In summer season when the temperatures and humidity level get high, Hiyashi Ramen or cold ramen appears at the ramen shops in Hokkaido. Hiyashi Ramen is the cold ramen usually topped with ham, cucumber and thin-fried egg that are all cut into strips, and served in a plate.

The soup for Hiyashi Ramen is different from ordinary ramen soup. It contains a little vinegar that gives a refreshing taste to the ramen, which invigorate your appetite in hot and humid weather.