One-day Pass

One-day Pass

One-day PassMost of the tourists attractions are within easy access of the city centre by bus or on foot in Otaru.
One-day Pass of Hokkaido Chuo Bus is handy and economical to get around the city. You can use this pass to take the ¥210-fare rate buses within Otaru as many times as you like.

¥750 for Adults (16 years old and above)
¥500 for Junior high school students (13 to 15 years old)
¥380 for Children (up to 12 years old)

where to purchase:
One-Day Pass is available at Chuo Bus Terminal outside Otaru Station, Otaru Canal Terminal, Canal Plaza, or on Otaru Stroller's Bus and Parute Chikko Lines.
(see the following map)

How to use the pass:
Scratch the date of your travel on the pass when you begin to use.
For example, if you use the pass on January 10th 2007, scratch the number "19" in upper right year section (平成/年) (corresponding to 2007), scratch the number "1" in the upper left month section (月), and scratch the number "10" in the lower day section (日) on the pass.

If you scratch more than one number in year/month/day sections, the pass will be of no use. Be careful not to scratch numbers other than tha date that you use it on.

Show the driver the pass when you get off.