Basic Knowledge about using buses in Otaru

notify button

Most of the popular tourist spots are accessible by route bus.

The bus fare for a ride is ¥210 in most lines. Put ¥210 in the fare box beside the driver when you get off.

If you have no appropriate amount of coins, you can exchange a ¥1,000 note or a ¥500 coin by putting it into the slot of the fare box to get small change.

If you use "One Day Pass" (¥750 for adults, ¥500 for junior high school students, ¥380 for children under junior high students), which is available at Hokkaido Chuo Bus Otaru Terminal, Unga Plaza and on Otaru Sansaku Bus, you can ride almost all lines unlimitedly.

Every bus stop has its name, and the next stop is announced on the bus. When the name of the stop you get off is called, press the informing button to let the driver know.

The bus services are quite frequent in most lines, and you only have to wait 10 - 20 minutes before the bus comes.